Stories and Poetry

Mother and Child

Forced Adoption Tell Your Story
Glimpses of a Concentration Camp
The Baby Hunters
Abandoned Baby 29th April 1941
Poetry Page 2
Mother and Child
A Matter of Lawns
Letter to an Adoptive Parent
A Grandmother Regrets
A Mothers Thoughts
A Daughter so Precious
Lateline Response
A Loss of Innocence
On the Beach
The Ultimate Deception
An Adoptive Mother Speaks
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They denied me the beating of your little heart against mine
They denied me your first breaths and the
Feel of your warm perfect little fingers
And the right to count your toes
My breasts were denied the right to nourish you
And my eyes to watch you grow
My legs to run and play with you
My arms to hold you close
My face to see your smiling eyes
My womb was our safe haven, but
Sadly I couldn't project us during our separation
Planned by others for another's gain
But they failed to see our invisible cord
Our special lifeline cord attached to my heart
AThat only you and I can share
Nobody will ever break our connection
As we are joined by our cord
Unbreakable by man's plans to separate us
I am your mother - you are my child
My love is your always - Your Mum
(Composed by Brenda Lee for all mothers and their children)
I hope that you can place it on your website and you have my permission to use it any time i.e. newsletter etc. etc.
God's Blessings - Brenda Lee