Breaches of Adoption Regulations, Laws and Crimes

Adoption History (Dian Wellfare)
A Law Unto Themsleves
"W" v NSW
Financial Assistance
Inhumane Hospital Practices
Shall I See my Baby?
Consent Revocation Period
A Social Experiment
Adoption Regulations
Health Dept Policy Warning
DES Poisoning
Vetos and Contact Objections
Tampering with Legal Documents
Consent Revocation
Rapid Adoptions
Considering Open Adoption?
Baby Trafficking
Chinese Adoption


Crimes Against The Mother

Click here to see Justice Richard Chisholm acknowledge these crimes

Click to to see Dr Rickarby speak of the mental health damage to mothers

Above And Beyond The Law.

What They Did To Us. Bullying, Drugging and Emotional Blackmail

1. Denying mothers all knowledge of their legal rights and options.

Ultra Vires Law. Breach of Duty of Care. Unconscionable Behaviour. Breach of Statutory Law. Element of Conspiracy to Defraud.

2. Failing to have regard to and to act in, the best interest of the mother and child by failing to take into account the mothers individual circumstances.

Breach of duty of care.

3. Failing to provide mothers with professional counselling prior to confinement.

Breach of Duty of Care. Breach of Fiduciary Duty of Care.

4. Maltreatment of the mother and treating her in a cruel and demeaning manner.

Violation of Human Rights. Breach of Duty of Care. Breach of Fiduciary Duty of Care. Unconscionable Behaviour. Ultra Vires Law.

5. Failing to make reasonable attempts to ensure that the unmarried mothers treatment was equal to that of a married mother.

Violation of Human Rights. Discrimination on the Grounds of Marital Status. Breach of Duty.

6. Failing to have any proper regard for the natural law and prevailing domestic and international principals concerning the advancement and protection of human rights.

7. Forbidding mothers to leave the hospital until their records were marked with the term "socially cleared" indicating that they could only leave the hospital after they had signed a consent.

Unconscionable Behaviour, Ultra Vires Law, Conspiracy, Duress, Fraudulent Misrepresentation.

8. Introducing the inhumane practice of forbidding mothers eye contact with her child to prevent bonding, resulting in violent trauma to both the psyche of mother and child.

Violation of Human Rights. Breach of Duty of Care. Unconscionable Behaviour.

9. Forbidding mothers either to see or touch their babies until they signed a consent.

Ultra Vires Law, Unconscionable Behaviour, Coercion, Violation of Human Rights, Violation of Statutory Rights, element of Conspiracy to Defraud.

10. Promoting adoption rather than warning mothers of the of the potential harm such a course of action may cause them.

Breach of Duty, Unconscionable Behaviour, Breach of Statutory Law.

11. Violently interfering in the primal act of birthing procedure, snatching infants from the mothers womb before birth was complete, whilst bound in stirrups and awaiting the expulsion of the placenta.

Unconscionable Behaviour. Ultra Vires Law. Element of Conspiracy to Defraud. Violation of Human Rights.

12. Placing sheets in front of mothers to prevent them seeing their babies at birth.

Unconscionable Behaviour, Breach of Duty of Care.

13. Forbidding mothers to see their baby.

Ultra Vires Law. Unconscionable Behaviour. Coercion. Violation of Human Rights. Violation of Statutory Rights. Duress. Element of Conspiracy to Defraud.

14. Preventing lactation by using the synthetic hormone Stilboestrol, known to be carcinogenic since 1971, or by the method of breast binding, all without written consent.

Common Assault. Trespass to the Person. Violation of Natural Law. Violation of Human Rights. Unconscionable Behaviour.

15. Sedating mothers during labour with what was known as lytic cocktails (used medically to obliterate feelings). These cocktails consisted of Phenobarbitone, Pethidine, Sparine, and Largactyl. Post-Hypnotic memory altering barbiturates such as Phenobarbitol, Sodium Amytil, Methadone, Heroin and Chloral Hydrate were also the order of the day.

Criminal offence under s38 of the Crimes Act, Unconscionable Behaviour, Conspiracy to Defraud.

16. Hiding child within the confines of the hospital and denying mothers free access to their babies although she was the sole Legal Guardian of their child.

Conspiracy to Defraud, Criminal offence under s91. Taking child with intent to steal. Violation of Statutory Law. Violation of Human Rights. Violation of Natural Law. Breach of Duty. S.90A Kidnapping.

17. Transporting mothers by ambulance, whilst heavily sedated to different hospitals without their babies, and without their permission.

False Imprisonment (common law offence), Element of Conspiracy to Defraud.

18. Shackling mothers to bedheads during labour with either leather straps attached to chains or bandages. Physically restraining mothers from seeing their babies immediately after giving birth.

Common Assault, False Imprisonment, Unconscionable Behaviour, Ultra Vires Law, Violation of Human Rights.

19. Informing mothers their babies had died at birth when in fact they had been adopted.

Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Unconscionable Behaviour, Element of Conspiracy to Defraud, s91, Taking a child with intent to steal, s90 Kidnapping. Violation of Human Rights, Intent to Deprive Owner Permanently.

20. Showing mothers the wrong baby after signing a consent to ensure no bonding takes place.

Unconscionable Behaviour, Violation of Human Rights, Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Element of Conspiracy to Defraud.

21. Taking consent from mothers prior to or upon birth and post dating the date the consent was taken- to the legally required day five.

Unconscionable Behaviour, Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Ultra Vires Law.

22. Using overt and covert methods of coercion to obtain consents to the adoption of child.

Undue Influence. Coercion. Duress. Unconscionable Behaviour.

23. Inducing mothers to sign incomplete documents of consent to adoption, to fill in further details later.

Fraud. Unconscionable Behaviour. Ultra Vires Law.

24. Taking unenforceable (and therefore invalid consent from a minor) consent only becoming valid at the age of majority which was 21years of age, reducing in the early 1970s to 18 years.

Fraud. Unconscionable Behaviour. Ultra Vires Law.

25. Expecting an unskilled minor to sign a legal document without an adult or legal advocate present and without them understanding the legal interpretation of the document they were signing.

Unconscionable Behaviour. Breach of Statutory Law.

26. Not informing the mother of the thirty day revocation period.

Unconscionable Behaviour, Fraud, Intent to Deprive Owner Permanently, Breach of Duty of Care, Breach of Statutory Standard.

27. Employing non-skilled and non-licenced staff to conduct legal transactions, prepare legal documents and interview unmarried mothers without knowing the law. (To shift the blame away from themselves, Social Workers are now declaring that as many as 80% of people working in the adoption industry were non-professionals)

Ultra Vires Law, Breach of Duty of Care.

28. Not advising young mothers of the permanent nature of adoption. Many young mothers had no idea that they would never see their baby again until they contacted the agency in order to claim their baby, or went to get their baby upon leaving the hospital after signing.

Breach of Duty of Care.

29. Prevent mothers their legal right of revocation within her legally permitted time by advising them their child had already been adopted when it had only been placed in an interim placement that was not legally binding.

Element of Conspiracy to Defraud, Unconscionable Behaviour, Ultra Vires Law.

30. Promising that which could never, in effect, be guaranteed ideal life for our children of which was argued that we could never provide. as Wellfare states " Upon reunion the astounding level of emotional neglect, violence against, psychological and sexual abuse of our children from infancy and beyond bears witness to that particular deceit" "In the best interest of the child was the tool to pry newborns from their mothers.

Misrepresentation, Unconscionable Behaviour.

31. Marketing the healthy white newborn baby.

Ultra Vires Law, Unconscionable Behaviour.

32. Rapid adoptions.

Ultra Vires Law, Breach of Duty of Care, Element of Conspiracy to Defraud, Kidnapping.

33. Failure by professionals to report statutory rape.

Breach of Duty of Care, Element of Conspiracy to Defraud, Concealment of a crime, Aiding and Abetting.


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